While I rely on my past experiences for experimentation, I let the process and data guide my decision-making.

Every project is different, but I follow a process that blends design best approaches and methodologies, such as User-Centered Design, Design Thinking, Lean Startup, and JTDB.

There is a connection between each step; however, the process is not always linear. Many steps can be repeated multiple times as flaws and shortcomings of previously proposed solutions are uncovered.

People, not technology, are the drivers of innovation. The goal is to step into the user's shoes and build empathy for them. You are more likely to create products that people will enjoy by doing this.

  1. STEPS
  2. Scope

    Define business requirements for the project. What are the goals? Does this project map back to a comprehensive strategy? Understand the deliverables, timeline, team, technology, and expectations.

  3. Discovery

    Talk to people to explore the problem space. Capture, categorize, define, and organize feedback. Establish a strong understanding of who the customer is and what they hope to accomplish.

  4. Define

    Define the primary and secondary jobs to be done and any significant pain points related to each job. Set goals for the project and the metrics we'd like to hit for success.

  5. Ideate

    Explore a wide range of possible solutions. Come up with as many ideas and potential solutions as possible.

  6. Experimentation & Iteration

    Transform the best ideas into prototypes, test them, and make changes based on user feedback. Refine the best solution and prepare the prototype for handoff to the team.

  7. Handoff

    Unpack the design/workflow and go over your design decisions and why you made them. Work closely with engineering and product to ensure a successful handoff and implementation process.